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What Parents Need To Know About "Summer Slide" (And How To Avoid It)

Not all slides are fun.

While each summer kids eagerly jump into a school-free zone, the time off from school can have some pretty severe side effects. According to the Brookings Institute, "Summer Slide" is a term commonly used in educational circles to describe the academic regression that happens to students over the summer.

Here's the long and short of it: 

Students lose up to two months of academic-calendar learning each summer. That loss is cumulative, meaning the gap widens as children get older. Teachers spend a lot of time each school year reviewing material that was not retained. 

The good news is that parents don't necessarily have to commit to hours of homeschooling to avoid this summer learning loss. Here are five simple ways to help prevent the "Summer Slide" and keep your child progressing academically.
5 Ways To Avoid Summer Learning Loss
Photo by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi from Pexels
1. Love your library.

It's a no-brainer that keeping your kids reading throughout the summer is a massive step toward avoiding summer learning loss. But public libraries are a tremendous resource beyond books. Invest some time in their summer programs, or take advantage of their digital libraries. Read, read, read.

2. Talk to your kids. A lot. And about a lot of things.

Life has lessons all around us. And the more families engage in thoughtful conversations, the better. Ask your kids questions, tell them about what you're doing at work, make connections in the world. 

3. Give your kids some project-based learning.

The benefits of project-based learning are deep and wide. Pick a project a week or at least once a month. They'll help your kids stay engaged while keeping them working on essential skills like reading and math.

Need some inspiration? Check out our Summer of Creativity for the ultimate Project-Based learning experience.
4. Ask for your kid's help with your work and errands.

Paying bills? Opening mail? Trying to budget for the month? Invite your kids to participate with your errands and work. Give them a taste of how everything they're learning applies to the real world.

5. Set a routine

Summer is a time for fun and relaxation. It's easy to let the ease of it all keep you from investing a small chunk of time each day in your child's education. Pick a time to read, write, work on a Munga Punga project, or any other enriching activity and then stick to it. 

Remember, it doesn't require an enormous effort to beat Summer Learning Loss. You just need a plan, some inspiration, and a little commitment to keep your child thriving.
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Our mission is to help kids stay the creative geniuses they were born to be by providing nurturing experiences that invite innovation and honor each child's unique gifts.

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